So, it is time. Today was my last day as unemployed. After an 8 months break I finally found a job
and that in a very attractive company. Happier than me can only be my mother,
as she probably was more worried than me during this time. From the last day in
my previous job until now I have collected a bunch of experiences and learned a
lot. Today I will not write about why I changed my job (maybe some other time)
but I will write about my experience in the last months as unemployed.
I can say that right from the beginning as an unemployed I felt so relieved and comfortable, probably because I was overworked and burned out of all the duties and pressure I had in my previous jobs. Right from the beginning as unemployed I tried to use my free time (that is my whole time) as effective as possible in learning new things like….THE GERMAN LANGUAGE! I had this desire very long time but because of the working hours I could not actively learn it as one would do with an intensive language course. I kept me busy for four months in different german courses with the goal of at least reaching the level B2 (with which one can theoretically assist to the university, which at some point was again in my plans).
At the same time I promised myself to try to keep fit, since I neglected all about doing sports or at least doing some sort of physical activity. That is why I am going to the gym now at least 2 times per week and this motivation had also a positive effect in my wife’s attitude towards training, who although does not have the time because of her work, tries to go to the gym as well.
I can say that right from the beginning as an unemployed I felt so relieved and comfortable, probably because I was overworked and burned out of all the duties and pressure I had in my previous jobs. Right from the beginning as unemployed I tried to use my free time (that is my whole time) as effective as possible in learning new things like….THE GERMAN LANGUAGE! I had this desire very long time but because of the working hours I could not actively learn it as one would do with an intensive language course. I kept me busy for four months in different german courses with the goal of at least reaching the level B2 (with which one can theoretically assist to the university, which at some point was again in my plans).
At the same time I promised myself to try to keep fit, since I neglected all about doing sports or at least doing some sort of physical activity. That is why I am going to the gym now at least 2 times per week and this motivation had also a positive effect in my wife’s attitude towards training, who although does not have the time because of her work, tries to go to the gym as well.
In the past months I met many interesting people and made new very good friends from who I will probably be writing about another time
But not everything was a blue sky, since the unemployed must actively look for a new job, and that is exactly what I was also doing. From 64 applications I received only 5 invitations for interviews. I received on a weekly basis the „No thanks, but wish you all the best in your future endeavours“ email and I had days where I could only seat in front of the computer waiting for the next declining.
This sort of stress was a little bit increased by the fact that I was feeling “a bit” guilty for receiving the very generous allowance of the state for being unemployed, and that as a foreigner. This was in fact more than I monthly received during my doctoral studies when I used to have the 60 hours/week .
I knew that I deserved this assistance from the state, since I paid my
unemployement insurance, but I wanted to return to the productive side of the
society and pay my taxes again.
I knew also that a very long break can be a carrier killer so I pushed me
harder in looking for a new job. However I still kept myself busy swimming in
the Danube, training in the gym, cleaning the house and cooking new recipes,
things that I did not do before and I really enjoyed doing them.
After seven months, my wife and I had a good feeling about one of my applications in a company in which I pictured myself pretty well working in, and that in a field that was relatively new and very interesting to me.
And one day the offer was glowing in my email. I did not think too long
to sign the contract, because to me looked like a dream job. Some days later I signed the contract and I have now only 36 hours until
I can start my new job. To this job I will bring loads of experience and I will
try to avoid those mistakes that I made in the past. I can already mention that
a work is nothing more than an occupation, one likes very much to do and this
should not be intoxicated with superfluous and needless expectations imposed by
oneself or by the boss (about that I would also be writing later)
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