This weekend there will be elections in
Austria to elect the chancellor. As in any other country, it won’t be easy to choose
who will be representing the country internationally and have direct influence
on our pockets. I can only give a neutral opinion without having the right and obligation
to vote in the country where my sons were born.
An introduction to the candidates:
The reds from the socialist party (SPÖ) are
represented by the current chancellor Christian
Kern, who was not democratically elected but because of his contacts with
the red party. The ex administrator of the Austrian Railways ÖBB was recruited
by the red party in order to replace the resigning chancellor Werner Faymann,
who stepped out when he was no longer
able to deal with the coalition partner. After a vacation, he restarted his
career in a high position at the UN in parallel to his personal business.
It is likely the previous experience as
manager from a state company that is able to internationally compete with others
that gives C. Kern some points in favour. With this experience he pursues a
very socialist ideal, as its party requires him to do, to please the financial
needs of the working class of his
country.This is an asset his opponents might lack.
Sebastian Kurz, commands the turquoise party ÖVP. Since his arrival
to the party he turned all upside down including the traditional black color of
the party. He obtained unconditional support since the ÖVP had no other
candidate to fill the boots of his also resigning vice-chancellor and party leader
Reinhold Mitterlehner, who not being able to work together with the red party,
decided to continue his career outside of politics (Seems to be difficult to
work together as politician in Austria, there is little persevereance and big opposition).
Sebastian Kurz, being the stereotype of an
ideal leader: tall, handsome and good speaker; heads the party still named the
“blacks” because the media are still reluctant to refer the party as the “turquoise”.
Unfortunately the propaganda of his party is similar, if not identical, to that
of the right party FPÖ, which main argument for a better Austria is the
reduction of immigration. The very short age of S. Kurz, to my opinion, is a
disadvantage to exercise a job of such an importance (He is 31 years old).
Nevertheless, S. Kurz learned quite well how to communicate (body and spoken
language) to convince the masses and this helped him to position himself in his
current and previous jobs as foreign and integration minister respectively.
Heinz Christian Strache, leads the blue right party FPÖ and as one of its
main goals is to reduce “islamization” in Austria, being other problems, to my
understanding, neglected in his agenda.
As an immigrant and self nominated
“tolerant” I can only reject the presents that his campaign give away in the
streets, although my kids would gladly take them. (photo:
During the presidential elections, the FPÖ
has demonstrated support in towns and small cities where, ironically, multiculturality
is not really observed and the immigration rates are low enough compared to big
cities such as Vienna. This unmasks the unnecessary fear to immigrants and
refugees in some parts of Austria.
The pink Neos are led by Matthias Strolz, from whose campaign I
could mainly notice that he tends to get overly upset and resented the moment
of sustaining a debate with other candidates. His style is likely not ideal for
a chancellor of a republic.
If one wishes to choose a party with
alternative ideas, maybe is the “green party” the one to elect. As its name
indicates, they would of course take care of the environment as one of their
priorities, however, they do not have much acceptation. The main candidate for
the green party, Ulrike Lunacek,
would likely be a good representant of Austria abroad, but she is not as popular
as her party camerade Alexander van der Bellen who won in the last presidential
elections (thanks to his election in the big cities, see previous figure).
This Sunday I can only impatiently wait to
see the results and afterwards reproach or congratulate friends and colleages
that were born in this colorful country. One thing is for sure, this election
can’t be as bad as that in an english speaking country on the other side of the
atlantic ocean. Reference from pictures:
In the last
two months I was able to learn with my eldest kid (4) about the universe,
planets and dinosaurs; main subjects in his daily conversation. Reading his
books and visiting (many times) museums I recalled what we all already know but
not think deeply about its meaning: how old is our universe, why dinos died and
what are we doing here.
We learned
that the universe is 13.7 billion years old. To put it in numbers 13.700.000.000
years and that it all started with a big KaBoom! (Big Bang). Since then a lot has
happened to put humans where we are now. What is interesting is that we are
definitely new in the history of the universe and we still think however that
we are central to it. Worsely, we defend blindly (even with our own lives) our
selfish mythological beliefs about who created all things.
Why I say that
we are the “new ones” here? Let’s pretend that the universe has exactly 100
years old, just like a healthy and attractive centenerian that seems will live
much longer.
At the age
of 1 year (200 million years after the Big Bang) galaxies developed, but it is only
at the age of 67 that the planet earth was formed (9150 million years after the
Big Bang). At this stage the planet Earth was still very immature for living
organisms (Ediacara fauna)on Earth are estimated to have occurred around 13.08
billion years after the great explosion. Translated to our centenerian universe
it means that only at the age of 95 life could arise on at least one of the trillion
planets of our universe, in planet Earth.
showed up 235 million years ago (at the age of 98 of our centenerian universe) and
they ruled the Earth for not less than 160 million years (that’s about more
than one day for our 100 year old universe).
The 5th mass extinction of
living beings on planet Earth took place 65 million years ago. Afterwards
humans, as we know them, started to develop from apes (Hominoidea). Miss
Universe is now 99 years and there are only 53 days to go for her 100 birthday.
Homo sapiens (humans) seem to appear 20 hours before the
100th birthday of our centenerian universe (fossils were found in
Morocco dating back to 300 thousand years ago. Link here).
chronology of events in the Universe and in our planet is intensively studied, considered
reliable and teached in school and university books. It is constantly updated
and either proved correct by scientific methods or at least by mathematical approximations
to which we don’t want to go much into detail (for more information please
apply to the nearest Paleonthology, Astrophysics and/or Particle Physics course
in your town). However, humans, right from their beginning, believed and still
believe on supernatural and mythological forces that created the universe,
earth and mankind. Each religion (although just few minutes old in the history
of our centenarian universe) had, has and will have its own version of the
origins; and their followers, as in the past, are not willing to accept other
explanation than their own.
To our
fortune, there are people in our planet who are not conformist with fairy tales
and are curious enough to investigate and go deeper into the origin of things.
Without them we would still believe that the Earth is flat, or that it is the
center of the universe, or that humans were created from mud, or dust or corn
or from a male human rib.
It is worrying
that we will almost for sure not be as long in this planet as dinosaurs were
(160 million years). In our very young existence (300 thousand years) there are
estimates pointing to human extinction to year 2600 if there are no changes in our
climate policies and the current exponential population rise 1 .
Based on
these predictions, Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of our time,
prompt us urgently to seek new worlds and colonize them if we want to avoid extinction
in the near future.
For his whole
lecture at the Starmus Festival 2017 (Norway) see here:
It’s a
topic with many more questions that we might never be able to respond. For
What about the
time before the Big Bang? Time does not count there?
Maybe is
our universe a part of another one, or one of many. And what would happen when
two expanding universes encounter each other? (Likely total annihilation). In
fact, a “Multiverse” is a possibility that is supported by the M-theorie (which
I have no clue what is but astrophysicists might understand it)
Even if we
don’t dissapear in the next thousand years, we might in few million years with the
upcoming waves of mass extinction (as it happened before 440, 375, 250, 205 and
65 million years ago) or the possibility of a cooling down of the universe or
an explosion of our sun among other astronomical catastrophes. Thinking of these
we should probably aim to make a backup of all the information we generated in the
last 300 thousand years. From “how to do fire” to “how to cook spaghetti”
should be stored for future residents living in this or more likely in other
Now, if you
excuse me, I need to use my very limited time in this Earth for something else (My
hopefully >80 years are just about
18 seconds time of our 100 year old Miss Universe).
of memory, Salvador Dalí 1931
Stephen. The Universe in a Nutshell. 2001
2.The Museum or Natural History. Vienna,
I know that you got somehow worried about your 4
year old grandchild wanting to go with a skirt to the kindergarten. I believe
there is no reason to be worried about it as you and I were just raised in a
much more conservative environment than where your grandchild is. Maybe I was
skeptical at the beginning when he insisted to wear a skirt and his soccer T-shirt,
but I realized that equality of genders starts at home and even better if it
starts while one is still a child. I am not saying that wearing a skirt is good
or bad for children at this age, when innocence is the overall rule and “sexualism”
is absolutely absent. But we have to understand that in the developed world
there are places wheremale workers voluntarily wear skirts at work (link) just
because they are more comfortable, and this does not necessarily compromise any
sexual preference if this is the reason of your concern.
Train drivers in Sweden. Photo source
I do not have to mention that the typical dress
for men in Scotland is a skirt, and I do not think there is a single lady in
this world that will find less attractive or question the sexuality of Sean Connery
if he is to be found walking around in his skirt.
Maybe your grandchild will flush or simply
laugh about when I take his pictures out at his wedding showing him dressed with
his Maya the bee skirt and his soccer T-shirt.
Through the eyes of his parents and those from many
other people, this is just a phase that makes him even more sweet and innocent
than what he already is. Something to respect about him is how he independently
chooses and has the initiative to wear something like that. This power of
choice was not inherited from his father who at this age was always a conformist
and weak-minded when it was about making own-decisions.
How the parents of your grandchild think and
accept this situation comes pretty much hand in hand with a very strong social
movement to achieve equality of genders at all levels. There is increasing awareness
in Europe (and hopefully all over the world) that women should be treated
equally to men. For example, by getting paid for the same job as it is known
that women are underpaid compared to male co-workers. This is unfair as we all
know that in many instances it is women who “wear the trousers” (to put it in
an understandable words that are still discriminatory) at work or home.
In this same line, a paid parental leave at
work after a son or a daughter is born is mainly taken by women, with only few
fathers daring to take this time off to take care of their kids.
From my side, I feel lucky when I am able to play
the role of “housewife” (I did not found a valid equivalent word for the male
counterpart and I find that offending). I do not only enjoy this time but I
also believe that is the correct thing to do after typically mothers (and
grandmothers) have to be fully engaged
taking care of the children, even at the expense of their own careers.
I hope I can thwart somehow this situation at
home with a paid paternal leave that I was allowed to take thanks to the
Austrian system and the good spirit of the company where I work. These two
months are typical for fathers who stay at home but still much less compared to
the invested time of mothers.
I hope I could clarify dear mother your
thoughts and worries by explaining why your 4 year old grandchild and 37 year
old child sometimes choose to wear the apron. Gender equality could be achieved
already at very young or older ages. I also send you a big hug while I still
can before your second grandchild wakes up and demands for his fruits that are
not yet cut.